

racist動詞在[情報] 【國中英文文法】關係代名詞-基本篇- 看板juniorhigh

作者[情報] 【國中英文文法】關係代名詞-基本篇
標題oneop (王者)
時間2015-04-24 10:06:15 UTC



‧ 關係代名詞主要功能為了接出子句為前面提到的人事物做進一步說明

‧ 本篇不討論分類所謂的名詞子句、形容詞子句 or XXX子句

‧ Which
‧ Who
‧ That
‧ What
‧ Where
‧ Whom
‧ Whose
‧ How


‧ Which 是為了進一步修飾”事物”代表 things

‧ Jeff missed the conference call which lists out several important
points regarding future policies.

‧ 這句 which 修飾 conference call (電話連線會議), 接出的 lists out
several … 進一步描述 conference call.

‧ 關鍵詞彙: regarding = 關於, about; policies = 政策

‧ The press conference will feature the movie premiere which many have
anticipated for weeks.

‧ 這句 which 修飾 premiere (首映會), 接出的 many have anticipated for
weeks 進一步描述 premiere.

‧關鍵詞彙: press conference = 記者會; anticipate = 預期期待;
feature = 特色, 附加…特色


‧ Who 是為了進一步修飾”人”, 代表 ”person”

‧ Steve was the key person who successfully reorganized this
corporation with modernized management concepts.

‧ 這裡 who 修飾 key person, 後面 successfully reorganized this
corporation …是為了進一步強調這位 key person

‧ 關鍵詞彙: reorganize = 重組; corporation = 企業 財團;

‧ 關鍵詞彙: modernized = 現代化的; concepts = 概念

‧ The police is seeking the suspect who committed the bank
robbery on Robson Street last Friday.

‧ 這句的 who 為了修飾 suspect, 接出的 committed the bank
robbery…進一步描述了 suspect

‧ 關鍵詞彙: seek = look for; suspect = 嫌疑犯;

‧ 關鍵詞彙: commit = 犯下… ; robbery = 搶劫


‧ 是最廣泛的關係代名詞它可以當 which 也可以當 who ,
為最通用代名詞. But, 不是最貼切的選項, 請看下列句子說明

‧ The suspect that caused the building fire wasarrested this
afternoon. (這裡修飾 suspect, 不過 who 更好)

‧ We discovered the defected component that caused the
power supply issue.(這裡修飾 component, 不過 which 更好)

‧ 關鍵詞彙: arrest = 逮捕; defect= 瑕疵;

‧ 關鍵詞彙: component = 零組件; issue = 狀況

只有同時需要修飾人和事物時, that 發揮最大作用

‧ The police has discovered the driver and the vehicle that
caused the severe traffic accident on Highway #1.

‧ 由於關係代名詞只用一次, driver 要用 who 但是 vehicle 要
用 which 修飾, 因此用 that 兩者兼顧

‧ 關鍵詞彙: Vehicle = 車輛; highway = 高速公路

That 另外一個真正的用途: 接動詞或形容詞後面

‧ 句型:
‧ S + V + that + S + V…
‧ S + be + adj + that + S + V…

‧ The CEO has announced that HRDirector Joe is permanently
removed from his position due to his racist attitude.

‧ that 修飾的是動詞 announced, 後面 HRDirector Jonathan is …
是為了進一步加強敘述 announced

‧ 關鍵詞彙: appoint = 指派; announce = 公開宣布;

‧ 關鍵詞彙: permanently = 永久; racist = 種族歧視的

‧ It is ridiculous that the CEO has abolished company outings,
even including domestic trips.

‧ that 修飾形容詞 ridiculous, that 後面句子 the client
demands…為了進一步敘述 ridiculous 的情況

‧ 關鍵詞彙: ridiculous = 荒謬的; abolish = 廢除;

‧ 關鍵詞彙: outing = 外出, 出遊; domestic = 國內的


‧ 作為關係代名詞其功能引導名詞子句做為一個”統合性名詞”
‧ 句型
‧ V + “what + S + V …”
‧ “what + S + V…” 作為統合性名詞

‧ The contract defines what both parties should follow.

‧ what 接在動詞 defines 後面, what both parties should follow

‧ We have done what we are supposed to do.

‧ what 接在動詞 have done 後面,what we are supposed to do


‧ where 作為關係代名詞修飾的是”地方”

‧ That is the mansionwhere the murder took place.

‧ where 修飾 mansion, 後面 the murder took place

‧ mansion = 豪宅; murder = 謀殺

‧ Vicky suggested amust-go department store in Bangkok where
designer quality clothes and shoes are at good prices.

‧ where 修飾 department store in Bangkok, 後面 designer quality
clothes…進一步敘述 department store


‧ 是關係代名詞 who 的受格個人認為把他當作 who 為了
呈現受格的 feeling
‧ 句型
‧ ….whom + S + V…
‧ 後面一定要有主詞因為是受格

‧ To whom itmay concern

‧ I am not sure about whom this mail is referring to.

‧ The Engineering team has added 4 more engineers, 2 of
whom used to work for AbeReader.

‧ 注意: 上述句子是否發現 whom 搭配介係詞做為受詞?
Who v.s. Whom

‧ who 當作主詞用; whom 當作受詞用很像 she v.s. her,
he v.s him, I v.s.me…

‧ Who did you visit the Japanese clientwith? (當主詞)

‧ Withwhom did you visit the Japanese client? (當受詞)

‧ 基本上都是修飾”人“大多數口說與簡單寫作用 who 即可,
whom 算是古式, 不過正式文書有時用到


‧ 關係代名詞 who 的所有格, 想成“who 的”. 既然是所有格後面接名詞
‧ 句型:
‧ “N (名詞: 人) + whose + N (名詞:人事物) + V + …

‧ Mr. Keefer has recommended us a professional lawyer whose
experiences as a defendant attorney have been widely known in
the legal field.

‧ Whose = laywer’s, 後面have been widely known…修飾whose

‧ 關鍵詞彙: defendant = 被告; attorney = 辯護律師;


‧ How 作為關係代名詞表示“如何”or “程度”, 如同 how 本身作為問句
‧ 句型:
‧ …how + S + V +…
‧ ... how + adj / adv + S + V

‧ I stillwonder how she got promoted asmarketing supervisor.

‧“how she got promoted asmarketing supervisor”做為子句此句
how 當作“如何”整句解釋“他如何被升為行銷主管”

‧ The score will largelydepend on how well you present in the
oral test.

‧ how + well (adv of “good”) 表示”程度”, 子句“how well you present
in the oral test”做為“depend on”的補充說明

‧ 關鍵詞彙: depend on = 取決於


04/24 10:15

推 SuNuan : 推實用 which的例句1 前面兩個字少了空格04/26 01:40
→ oneop : S大 感謝提醒 04/27 13:35
推 qqisme0 : 好棒!!~ 04/27 19:06
推 kevin4201153: 看了一下就看不下去了XD 但還是推啦 04/27 20:45
推 jimmy1012 : 感恩推 04/28 06:15
推 SuNuan : 那個how的例句stillwonder沒有空白 04/29 02:22
→ SuNuan : 整理這個蠻辛苦的 還是覺得你很厲害 04/29 02:22
→ SuNuan : 不客氣:) 04/29 02:22
推 leo890510 : 推一個 05/04 02:21


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